Xenoblade Chronicles, known in Japan as Xenoblade (ゼノブレイド Zenobureido), is a role-playing video game published by Nintendo and developed by Monolith Soft for the Wii console. The game was announced during E3 2009, when a trailer was released to media. The game follows a young man named Shulk, who wields the titular Xenoblade – an energy blade called the Monado – against the Mechon in order to ultimately save the world. Originally titled Monado: Beginning of the World, the game was retitled Xenoblade in January 2010 to honour Tetsuya Takahashi, "who poured his soul into making this and who has been working on the Xeno series". The game was released on June 10, 2010 in Japan, and was released on August 19, 2011 in Europe and on September 1, 2011 in Australia. It will be released in North America on April 2, 2012.